Juicing 101: Getting Started With Juicing

Getting Started With Juicing

If you want to give your diet some variety while also get the essential nutrients, then you should consider fruit and vegetable juicing. Successful juicing can turn out to be a journey of a lifetime. The only way you are likely to get started is if you understand the importance of juicing and its true benefits. In order to realize that juices can have a marvelous effect on your overall health, you must first understand the basics.

Why Is It Important To Drink Juices?

Whether superior quality foods, especially fresh fruits and vegetables that are rich in nutrients are consumed, it enables the body to get rid of inferior material and tissues. This makes room for new and healthier tissues to be created.

For instance, you may suffer from headaches or migraines if abruptly put a stop to your daily intake of your stimulant “fix” like chocolate, coffee, or tea. This will happen because when you stop, toxins like caffeine and theobromine will be discarded by your body from your tissues and will be transported in your bloodstream to be eliminated. There those toxins may lead to temporary pain in the form of headaches, joint pain, the weakening of limbs, etc.

At times like these, you can experience a variety of healing reactions by drinking plenty of juices, even though you may not really be juice fasting. During such a period, drinking juices can help your body recuperate and prepare you for better health for the rest of your life. Juice is a convenient means of delivering a greater volume of superior ingredients and nutrients to your body.

When Should You Drink Juices?

If you are ready to get started with juicing, the best time for you to drink fresh juices is at least 30 minutes prior to a meal, on an empty stomach. Your stomach will be hungering for food at a time like this and anything you consumed will be effectively and rapidly absorbed by your body.

The best time for you to drink fresh juices is at least 30 minutes prior to a meal, on an empty stomach.

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The healthy nutritious fresh juice that you drink will be quickly absorbed by your body, without anything going to waste. The same can happen if you eat or drink something unhealthy on an empty stomach.

It is said that citrus fruits or citrus fruit juices should not be consumed first thing in the morning on an empty stomach because they can be acidic. However, despite their acidic taste, they are actually alkaline-forming foods.

If you condition your stomach to absorbing fruit and vegetable juices, you will be able to drink citrus fruits on an empty stomach without encountering any problem. Moreover, the optimum absorption of the vitamin C from fresh citrus fruit juices on an empty stomach will do wonders to your skin.

As a general role, you should devote the first half of your day towards drinking fruit juices, or at the beginning of the day so that you may gain complex carbohydrates to provide you energy for the rest of the day. During the other half of the day, you may drink juices that are less sweet, such as full or partial green juices.

What Particular Fruits & Vegetables Should You Juice & Why?

Since you are going to get started, you should begin juicing with fruits you love to eat. This way, the pleasant taste of those fruits is something your body will be familiar with.

Top 3 Tips for Easy Juicing


1.  Begin with produce that are more common and will be easy on your stomach, such as apples, carrots, oranges or watermelons. They will be gentle and mild on your stomach and taste buds.

2.  After juicing a couple of times, you try new ingredients. You can make delicious and healthy juices by using carrots and green apples as your base and adding other ingredients. You can add some vegetables at this point. You may initially not find them palatable but once you get used to the taste, vegetable juices have immense health properties.

3.  On those days when you are not at your peak, just prepare a juice using one apple, one carrot, one orange and one tomato. The combination of these excellent ingredients will deliver a synergy of nutrients to your body and the juice itself tastes scrumptious.

Make sure you frequently add beetroots and lemon to the juices that you prepare. Beetroots happen to be powerful builders of blood and kidneys, and cleaners as well. Lemons happen to be superfoods that will detoxify your system and significantly multiply your nutrient absorption.

Juicing 101 Conclusion

If you agree that fruits and vegetables are an integral part of a balanced and healthy diet, then you will not find it hard to understand the importance of juicing. Obviously, drinking is more convenient than eating and makes room for a wide range of possibilities. Therefore, you can turn your nutritional intake up a few notches by incorporating juicing as a part of a healthy, balanced diet.

Stephen Ralph

Best Selling Juicing Books

Stephen Ralph
Stephen is the Founder of Health Haxor, an active duty USAF service member, online entrepreneur and fitness buff. In between a busy schedule Stephen is an active contributor to Health Haxor and regularly posts articles related to men's health, fitness and nutrition.
Stephen Ralph
- 8 years ago
Stephen Ralph
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